I leave my job on Friday and the laptop for my new job to turns up. Well hello there.

  • 12
    Love how they hid the notch with the background

    Class A stuff

    Other than that, it's always great to get fancy hardware, especially for "free"

  • 4
    @jkommeren yeah 😂
  • 6
    I'll pray for you
  • 5
    Congrats on your new MacBook pro
  • 1

    Ew, a MacBook.
  • 1

    Ew, a MacBook.
  • 7
    Always funny watching all the mac haters come crawling every time, like clockwork. "jUsT iNsTaLl aRcH". Imagine needing to shit on someones happiness to feel good about yourself.
  • 1
    @dontbeevil 2/10
  • 1
  • 2
    Never had a Mac. I’m jealous
  • 1
    @BigBallOfMud I still have to understand the hate which a consistent part of the tech community has for Macs, I’d prefer to work with FreeBSD or Linux but MacOS is still Unix based which makes it 10x better than Windows for most software development and its stupid need of cumbersome GUI based operations for things which in *nix can be done in seconds through the command line.
  • 4
    @HolyTeabags congrats on the new job and fancy hardware

    @TrevorTheRat it's nothing special. Super crappy UX actually if you come from something better. I was forced to work with it once. God that cut my productivity in half. All keyboard shortcuts didn't work anymore (that is on me). Finder and window management lack basic features (mac os fault). I was super disappointed by the hyped OS.
  • 0
    General Kenobi!

    Jokes aside, looking great
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