Hello Devranters who use Linux. If Linux on PC could be a better choice over Mac, could you share some whys?

  • 2
    Most will post, "because #Linux, that's why dur dur dur"
  • 5
    @ScribeOfGoD Please don't generalise too much. Although there are some people like that, not every Linux user is.
  • 14
    - Far less costly than Mac
    - Infinitely more customizable, you have the choice between a dozen complete desktop environment and each is more customizable than osx's
    - Better modularity (huge point, everything is decoupled, you have a whole range of choice for every part of your system, it's a pleasure to work with)
    - Better docker
    - No data tracking of any sort
    - No programmed obsolescence
    - Can be a lot lighter (depends on your distro/desktop env)
    - Can be faster
    - Development not driven by commercial interests
    - Most servers use Linux, using it as your main OS helps when working with servers
    - Not bound to your hardware, you can easily install your system and data on any other computer
    - Works on ancient hardware
    - You own your system, nothing is imposed to you
    - Better package managers (arguable)
    - Avoid proprietary software dependencies
    - Different desktop env UX (I find it often better, but depends on taste and needs)
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    @willol Mother of God I second your comment!
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    You can install linux on a pc
  • 2
    Buy a Mac, virtualize window$ and Linux. You have the three in one solution. What a best choice?
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    I use Linux over macOS for price. My Thinkpad X220 with 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD, two docking stations, four monitors, two keyboards, and two mice cost $1400. You simply can't get all that for a competitive price with a Mac.
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    I have Windows -> kali vm -> mac os sierra vm inside kali vm
    Problem solved
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    I was a windows user but now I can't feel like going back to it. Linux is best ;-)
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    Linux is good if it's good for you. There's nothing inherently wrong about Windows, MacOS, or your preferred flavor of Linux. It's just tradeoffs. Personally, I like the freedom of Linux. I can tinker until I break everything, and that's the way I like it. Maybe you want things to "just work" (and work well with all your other Apple devices), and don't mind being boxed in to Apple's world. Then get a Mac. Want to game? Windows.

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    Linux is nice. But sometime you have to invest your time with driver issue and a freaking amount of learning + works to customize the system the way you truly want. Here is my config : https://github.com/CSaratakij/...
    (Linux is perfectly fine for me. I use linux to programming and game development)
  • 1
    @willol I love Linux but have learned not to install it on physical hardware. There are just too many issues caused by the decoupling that you described.

    Every time a piece changes you have to read 200 lines of dev logs to figure out what broke. I would rather run a VM and never update again lol.
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