Windows fans,

--------------Dont cross this line-----------

  • 3
    Windows sucks
  • 9
    I know but I'm a hardcore gamer so yeah Linux sucks for games
  • 4
    @sam9669 it was clearly written "dont cross this line" xD!! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
  • 1
    Well they don't call me line crossing mofo just like that 😂😂😂
  • 21
    What if I told you you can use Windows without being a fan of it!

  • 1
    @ChappIO WTF??! 😂 😂 😂
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    @runfrodorun I mean I don't like windows. I use linux as much as I can but I also like playing games. So for that I use a windows machine.
  • 1
    @runfrodorun wow that's deep....will open my own studio for linux games....if I have time and funding ....and if I manage to have the required skills
  • 3
    @runfrodorun do you need me to make you a tin foil hat or something?
  • 1
    ^^^^ fetches popcorn cup and seats back :-)
  • 2
    I think for a lot of developers the lack of linux support is simply that the money they'll make back from it is less than the amount of money they'll spend porting it. Heck, it's the same story with Mac support at numerous studios.
  • 1
    The Bearded Horde is out 😀
    I'm an Unix sysadmin myself, just don't really care for holly wars
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    @runfrodorun hell I'm with you on that. I don't game much but its always refreshing to hear a game supports linux. I beleve unity games support linux out the box but I'm not 100% sure since the only ones i play are the webgl versions once in a while. Would be bad ass if somebody would make an android emulator port so i could play boom beach on my laptop
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    @runfrodorun in house engines that only run on windows will typically be implemented to render with directx. Which is a windows-only api. For a linux port they'd have to completely rewrite their renderer to run on opengl, and then spend a significant amount of time QA'ing the whole thing under as many linux setups as possible. Not a trivial feat.
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    And they say that windows fan boys are bad. This rant makes me happy to be installing Windows again on my laptop.
  • 0
    @kaqqao nasty rebel
  • 4
    @ScribeOfGoD all fanboys are bad. I can tell you why I don't like windows or osx and why I use archlinux over other linux oses. If you have legit reasons you're not a fanboy, now if you don't i'll call you a (microsoft,linux,apple) fanboy everytime
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    @jckimble I use whatever works and can work on. I've used multiple Linux distributions and even own a MacBook. Guess what? My MacBook is currently collecting dust because it failed juuuust out of warranty, convenient right? Do you want me to tell you how Linux isn't working on my laptop this time? Or do you want me to recout the 7 other time? Seems to me Windows is the clear winner here. Call me what you want, but at least I give an OS props when it deserves it and just doesn't bash it because "it spys on me" your phone spies on you but I don't see you ditching that :p
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    @ScribeOfGoD you have reasons so your not a fanboy. my reason for not using windows are slow startup time, bluescreens when i do something resource intensive, limited control. As for osx i don't use it cause they only allow it on overpriced hardware that they produce and its borderline impossible to run on an amd processor. I use linux cause i have full control over my system and i know how to repair it. As for why i like amd over intel is cause amd has more powerful cpus for a lower price range.
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    It's slow. Forced updates all the time. Buggy. Resource hog. BSODs.

    But I can't run all my programs/games on Linux. So I don't have much choice. So I Have to deal with the frustration of Windows corrupting random files, downloading updates at random, and just being slow all the time

    I wanted to install Linux on a external hard drive, but I don't like messing around with partitions with data still on my drive
  • 1
    @runfrodorun Damn. I never thought I'd find someone with literally the same thoughts on Linux/windows/osx as me (your third comment specifically). Also I'm going to remember your comment on the fanboy/legitimate reasons part because that might come in handy sometimes.

    P.S. @ScribeOfGod, how much are those tinfoil hats? Do devRanters get a discount by the way? 😜
  • 1
    @runfrodorun I'll have to setup GPG first for that but I'll do that tomorrow (use an end to end encrypted service normally but I've used GPG many times before) because yeah sounds cool (if you're being serious which I'm presuming right now :P)
  • 2
    @linuxxx @runfrodorun
    this is mine if either one of y'all want it
  • 1
    Which line? Exception!
  • 0
    @runfrodorun but don't linux developer get away constantly with creating sub-par software because of a lack of competition?

    I mean Ardour or LMMS is hardly an alternative to Ableton or FL Studio.

    And Gimp is hardly an alternative to Photoshop.

    *grabs popcorn*
  • 0
    @ChappIO GIMP. What can I say about gimp. It's awesome, it works well, the designer in my company works with it because we have a no closed source software rule and he finds it better than Photoshop haha!
  • 0
    @runfrodorun Tbh, it's the company I co-own haha. But since I'm the cyber sec guy, I get to make the cyber sec rules, which includes using only Foss software (made an exception for the designer to use Mac but he got a new laptop now with windows so he dual booted his Mac with Linux!) 😃
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    @runfrodorun Also, you might want to take a look at PhotoGimp 😀
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    @runfrodorun Just woke up so let me get my (Fedora) laptop :P
  • 1
    @runfrodorun By the way, I hate to be noobish right now but it has been years since I've used GPG. After creating a keypair etc, whereto do I upload it or something? Also, any tips on saving passwords securely?
  • 1
    @runfrodorun Ahh fair enough yeah. I think I might setup some anonymous account somewhere for GPG use. And as for passwords, I mainly use Encryptr (Foss). I'll get on this :P. Also just wondering, what kinda IM do you use (if any)?
  • 1
    @JerreMuesli good old debian 😄
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