So today I inherited an iPhone app written for iPhones 3 & 4 in Objective-C.
I am facing two not so unique problems:

1. I hate Objective-C so I quickly converted it to Swift but as expected I created a tonne of errors and warnings that I am working through

2. The developer(s) didn't think it important enough to leave a solitary comment explaining what the hell they were doing.

So looking forward to a few weeks of swearing and getting myself all upset trying to get this app to work in a complete information black hole.

  • 4
    I know the feels bro, except I went into app development jumping into the deep end no idea what's so ever about obj-c, 4 months down the line code is still in obj-c and things work, just hate the fact it has no comments, the start was so slow in terms of figuring it all out.

    Also obj-c is retarded three booleans int and NSInteger and NSNumber, how about NSUselessObject
  • 1
    @f03n1x yeah I faced NSInteger - had like 20 warnings about that.

    The best thing was myvar === something- notice the 3 equal sings
    I had one of those in a while loop and Xcode kept saying I need a condition bitch - took me a good hour or two to figure out it was the extra = sign
  • 2
    @codeblue damn :/ I have some sort of issue with string formatting, which shows up as the only warnings (had to fix the original developers work) where it says format type specifies unsigned long but argument is an unsigned int, if I use xcode's recommendation it swaps it format type specifies unsigned int but argument has unsigned long

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