
I am so happy for renting my first VPS, sometimes I just ping it, so I know it's there.

  • 3
    +1, sentimental guy
  • 4
    This is so cute
  • 9
    I SSH into mine from my phone sometimes just to type "ls" or some other command...
  • 9
    Try 'rm -rf /' on your vps console just to know that it's not there.
  • 3
    @codvlpr Woah! That command made my terminal rainbow-colored.
  • 3
    Try to login from "JuiceSSH" on your Android-Device to know if its there ^-^
  • 4
    VPS, the gateway drug for getting your own dedicated server with 32GB of ram... Speaking from personal experience!
  • 1
    @brahn I agree, am currently at 16 GB but it's starting to swap so I guess I should upgrade ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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