
The CS class be like...

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    @perix2 thanks.😊
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    Especially for web development classes. Do they hide the knowledge in purpose??

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    @lostinmyworld i think it's possible because we have one professor in our college that teaches only according to the syllabus but if any one asks him personally than he teaches advance concepts but not in lectures.
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    My "web design" class taught us:
    • Telnet (to "grex")
    • Emailing with `pine`
    • Basic html
    • Very briefly touched on css

    No JavaScript, no backend.
    Everything else was listening to her personal stories and reading boring articles only tangentially related to IT.

    Terrible "class."
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    @Ashkin well, U can be proud for using pine))
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    I'm in a similar situation. It's required that we take a "computer fundamentals " course before we can take Networking and Security. Luckily, it's easy to make a good grade.
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