
So this happened in the zoom meeting today. 2 colleagues were arguing on something.

A : "Do I look like f**king joke to you?"
B : " No, you don't look like a joke , your camera is off. But you sound like one. "
A : "I am so tired of you , f**k you man"
B: " Hey you can't f**k me without my consent, I said I am not interested."

Me : "Uhm guys this is scrum meeting."
B: "No shit captain obvious, we all know that. "

I am so speechless.....

  • 15
    Are these 15 yr old interns?
  • 10
    @TeachMeCode nope they are 19 , the gen z ....
  • 5
  • 5
    Im blown away that they’re allowed to write software and have access to data. Hopefully they’re writing html only
  • 13
    @TeachMeCode they are those guys who want to convert every project to python. Right after successfully compile a hello world programme.
  • 21
    Still better than my virtue-signaling coworkers and their ongoing woke competition.

    “Womxn,” hiring “diverse” candidates over more skilled but white candidates, forced inclusivity, a “diversity council” with an (unwritten) mandatory participation, ever-changing language, management encouraging employees to protest (and in private, even to assault the police and tear down statues!), cheering teachers who praise communism or slander “while folk,” banning or flaming all non-liberal viewpoints, etc.

    I’m so tired of it all.
  • 0
    @Root so it is politics?
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme Plenty more, but that’s the most tiring part.

    Also management drama/grudges, shifting priorities, a sprawling and awful codebase, doubletime ticket cadence, endless change/feature requests, 8+ meetings a week, ceremonious paperwork to memorialize every decision and change and signoff and who and why and how and when, and of course the brow-beating over performance despite the rest.

    It really is wonderful.
  • 0
    @Root wow this must be tiring and the employees there must be having outburst everyday....
  • 3
    @johnmelodyme They all seem used to it? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I know the politics is pretty normal for a Silicon Valley company. But the rest? Idk.
  • 0
    @Root silicon valley like FACEBOOK? opps, you mean META?
  • 3
    @johnmelodyme Haha nooo. I would never work for them (or google). Too evil.
  • 0
    @Root because they selling data?
  • 6
    @johnmelodyme collecting and selling data, listening and recording, tracking location even when told not to, censoring and introducing bias in results, manipulating users (sales, politics), running psychological tests, building profiles of non-users, selling/sharing data with governments hostile to the users (e.g. lgbt in Iran/Saudi/etc.), helping china censor, …
  • 6
    @Root Womxn. For real what even is this supposed to mean? Wombat XN. Sounds like a fucking video game.
    Are there actually people who are not braindead that take those 'people' seriously?
  • 0
    @Root I always wonder how they earn money from it. Who they sell to ? Which data broker? I alway wonder.
  • 5
    @Ranchonyx 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve only ever seen the woke take the woke seriously.
  • 2
    @Root Well that's to be expected. I wonder, why do people do this? Is it meant to integrate these 'non-binary' peeps into society better and make them feel welcome?
  • 3
    @johnmelodyme Targeted ads sell for quite a bit, and they can resell the data they’ve already collected as many times as they have buyers — and competing companies might engage in a bidding war (knowingly or not) for better and better placement. Information on political classifications would also sell well, and so can religious classification depending on the buyer. I’d assume the various governments would get this for free, though, due to leverage.

    They can also use their influence to sway votes towards outcomes beneficial to them, or potentially to buyers. That alone would be worth a fortune.
  • 0
    @Root so in context , most VPN companies are selling browsing data then?
  • 3
    @Ranchonyx By favoring them over everyone else? Personally I would find that incredibly insulting. I don’t know because I really can’t understand these people, their actions, nor their motivations.
  • 4
    @johnmelodyme Probably? I don’t know. But it would be profitable for them to do so.

    US-based VPNs are required by law to keep logs, despite most of them claiming they do not. And if they’re already lying about that on their privacy policy… well, I wouldn’t trust them anyway.
  • 3
    These 19 year olds are management material lol
  • 2
    @Root Agreed. Imo it just makes them feel even more different from, heavy quotes, ""normal people"". How the fuck is this integration
  • 1
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx Not all of them actually want to be integrated - rather, some have massive psychological problems and are attention whoring.

    It's just that you likely won't notice the others because, well, they are not attention thirsty.
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  • 4
    I would have said:

    "Great, so you know what the meeting is, now treat it like one. If you want to have a pissing contest as to who's the bigger arsehole, take it offline."

    I've done it a couple of times. If they still don't calm down I just leave and reschedule the meeting. Then everyone else is pissed off with them too.
  • 2
    @Root wtf? Have you pointed out that they're encouraging criminal activity?
  • 2
    @john-doe If I pointed that out, I would get fired for it. (or some other unrelated reason)

    They’re all so out there they can justify it, at least to themselves and the others sharing their groupthink, which as far as i can tell is the entire company.
  • 2
    @Root it sounds to me that you're going to be better off if your were to be fired from that place
  • 1
    @Root damn, 8 meetings is the minimum? Jeez i need to cut down on my meetings... literally i have two days a week almost devoted entirely to them... just a shame...
  • 1
    @Root every time you mention wokeness i feel the need to ask you to marry me
  • 0
    @Ranchonyx womxn is supposed to mean "women don't need no men even in the word, let alone world!"
  • 0
    @Ranchonyx and look up youtube videos that lotus eaters / carl benjamin did on critical race theory (CRT) , he's got 2 15minute ones that explain very well what is the origin and real purpose of wokeness
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