
Italian schools are by far the worst in the world.
I'm in a IT oriented school, where we should learn to code.

We spent the first year writing in Word and "programming" in Excel.

In the second year we started learning Visual Basic, a total waste of time.

In the third year we finally got rid of most of the useless subjects we had and started learning C++.
Sadly we had a teacher who wasn't able to properly speak and teach to students who never really programmed.
We didn't even know what a class was at the end of the year.

In the fourth year, the current one, we didn't have a teacher for the first 3 months.
Now we are learning Java, but just the basics.
Oh, we're also "learning" HTML (not 5) and JavaScript.

Next year, the last one, we will do PHP and SQL.
Maybe also C#, the most pointless programming language in the world.

What a beautiful country.

  • 1
    @No-one They're even worse!
  • 11
    I feel your pain, but seriously: "Maybe also C#, the most pointless programming language in the world."???

    On one webpage (http://codingdojo.com/blog/...) that was the fourth most in-demand language, after SQL, Java and Javascript...before C++, Python and PHP...
  • 21
    you should try c# first before calling it pointless 😑
  • 1
    Just because it may be one of the most demanding programming languages doesn't mean that it is useful, especially when you know C++ or Java.
  • 1
    I have tried it, and I think that it is pointless.
  • 13
    @Mike so, the last 15 years of my life has been pointless... Good to know!
  • 6
    @Mike well, to each his own! 😃 try c# 7 features tho. for me, after using them, it feels like java is lagging behind c# and swift.
  • 9
    Saying that C# is pointless is like saying that Twitter is nothing... Sure you may not like it, but it is one of the most popular things in the world. Respect and be respected man.

    Having said that, be strong and learn by yourself! The community is here for you.
  • 6
    @Hultan70 C# most pointless... Yeah, this guy is clearly in school and definitely not ready to work as a real developer yet.
  • 0
    Badda boopi!
  • 0
    I didn't say that C# developers are pointless, the language is. I honestly can't find any reasons to prefer C# over other languages, such as C++.
  • 1
    Also, as @bdshi13 said, to each his own. I'm not forcing you to think that C# is pointless, this is just my honest opinion.
  • 0
    @No-one The legendary sentence ;)
  • 1
    @Mike I'm sorry to read that dude, I'm currently working on Java, c# and Js, but I have tried php and Python too and I have to say that C# is one of my favorites, and since the release of dotnet core it has been my default choice for almost anything.
  • 1
    I've doubled in C# before and its cute, making guis is a lot easier than in java imho, but personally i wouldn't use it since its proprietary and doesn't run on linux (yes, i know Mono is a thing but c'mon...).
    But holy shit man, i feel bad for you; where are you studying? Rome, Milan, Naples? As a fellow italian i can't say i'm surprised though, italian universities are awful at IT :( that's why i moved to Denmark.
  • 1
    @Elendil These are the main reasons for my extreme hate towards C#.
    It could be true that making GUIs in C# is a lot easier than doing them in Java, but... what about Qt? Every time I see a discussion on the web about C++ versus C# nobody mentions it.
    In my opinion Qt and C++ are the future, especially because almost every big company is adopting them.

    I'm currently in a high school in north Italy, but I see that also in universities you don't really learn how to program, especially when there are still other subjects you're not interested in.
    How is it in Denmark?
  • 0
    @Mike from my experience they have a much more hands-on approach, programming courses are more based on workshops and actually doing stuff. for example here most ppl teach Java instead of C++.

    If its not too personal, Where and what are you studying in italy? I've here in denmark for 3 years now but i'm originnally from Varese :)
  • 0
    @Mike wait a minute is there such a thing as a IT-oriented high school nowadays? How is it called? :)
    Anyway when i was in high school i found Linux to be a great resource and platform for learning programming, maybe you should check that out if you haven't already :D
  • 0
    @Elendil I'm studying "Informatica e telecomunicazioni", in a city in Province of Brescia.

    It seems like in Denmark they understand what students want.

    I will probably start using Linux soon!
  • 0
    @Elendil C# doesn't run on linux? Guess you missed out on .NET going open source. Check out .NET Core!
  • 0
    @Mike it's like being a speaker towards a big crowd of ten thousands of Chinese people and saying: I've tried Chinese, it's pointless.
  • 0
    @CodeMasterAlex oh yeah sorry, i forgot that was happening as well :D
    I haven't done .NET in a long time, but i might just go back once that's finished :)
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