
(biggest facepalm moment)
So this happened...
We were suppose to submit a project in the name of app development.
Being our first app, it was a simple Android app having simple features which any e-commerce app would have.
On the day of evaluation, we handed our mobile (which already had our app) to our evaluator, to have a feel of our app.
After few swipes here and there, the evaluator said this,(which blew our mind)...
Don't be so smart,... Here take my IPhone and run your app on it! I want to see if it works on my IPhone like it does on yours or not.
The next thing our group was doing was to look at each other's face,.. completely stunned what to say next!
(If confused, read tags...) :/

  • 1
    Dafuq? Was it really a CS teacher?
  • 2
    "Sorry teacher. It only works on Windows Phone and Symbian"
  • 1
    Yes jugzy it was an epic moment., I was so shocked when I got to know about this incident (a batch mate)
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