As a programmer, which tools and apps do you find most productive?
My favorite - Evernote

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    Atom, Google Keep, JetBrains stuff, GitLab, Trello, Spotify and Linux 😇😂
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    Microsoft Team Services, ToDoist, Toggl, Android Studio, Xcode, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and Notepad++, jsonparseronline.com
    It's just my combination
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    Airtable is my choice if I need to write down some notes / ideas.
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    Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Prime.
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    @Csaki just checked it out and like what I see, better than ToDoist for my needs
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    Coffee machine
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    Cygwin, Powershell, HotKeyz, excel VBScript, macros everywhere more or less..
    Oh and also one note for planning
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