
The most overused programmer meme:

Fuck why is my shit not working?
Fuck its working.

Seriously guys its not even funny anymore.

  • 9
    Don't forget all the variations of missing semicolon.
  • 5
    @jlave215 hah! Dont even get me started on that one.
  • 0
    And the "wtf? Its not working!"
    "Wtf ? Its working!"
  • 2
    No one is trying to be funny with that rant. If you don't get into this type of situation at least once a day, I don't know what you are developing. Or maybe you're just too good.
  • 1
    Everybody does get through that from time to time, that's kind of the point. But people try to make the "how is my code working" funny, I believe it's pretty overused and not funny anymore
  • 1
    @eeeddr thats my point
  • 1
    @tahnik yeah I getcha but it's very overused
  • 0
    Ik, I was justifying it to the other guy
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