
Please Android studio eat more RAM, u peace of ..... 😡

  • 8
    Or you should upgrade? 4GB is not much this days.. :(
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    @Linux bro I have 16GB and an SSD, was switching some of my app views to use constraint layout and AS was so damn slow like it's running on a Pentium 1... While I have Core I7 with trubo boost up to 3.1 😒
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    Did you just mock Pentium 1?
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    @Linux oh sorry forgot how much you liked it 😓
    Hope u got those driver's running 🤠
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    2 GB is not that much tbh ^^
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    @SitiSchu that's the max it took on my end, I guess you saw a lot more than that 😅
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    @Artemix and how about performance, is it good?
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    @Artemix well on my end it is fast but UI designer just sucks. And as u can see memory consumption also sucks
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    @gitpush, but the preview tab on the XML editor is getting better with each iteration, so that's nice. I only use the layout editor when playing with a ConstraintLayout. For anything else I use text.
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    @Eariel true story, still have to work with constraint layout before I switch fully to text, I feel constraint layout is similar to Relative Layout in terms of coding
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    @gitpush, yeah, it's pretty similar but it has more rules I don't know the names yet 😊
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    @Eariel welcome to the club 🤓
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    I've never tried Android development but with all these things I hear , what exactly makes it so slow and RAM desperate ?
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    Unused memory is wasted memory. Any software running on jvm will always take as much memory as it take unless OS asks the memory back.
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    Not in coding but in Media Design I saw RAM usage up to 60 GB lol
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    Well Chrome at least has a reason
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    @dontbeevil why would they want to optimize their memory usage when jvm is doing it for them?
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    Nope not spyware it's just that the program(The Fourndry Nuke) uses a lot of RAM....but we have 128 GB workstations so it's fine :)
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    @SHA-256 damn that's too much RAM lol 😌
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    @snj33v and watch my laptop suicide 😌
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    Dude my company tries a new security solution from a local startup... It has a memory leak, I have to daily restart the computer because it eats in a night 5gb of ram and up to 20% cpu
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    @gitpush We have some Workstations with 256 GB too...more RAM doesn't fit on the motherboard lol
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    Android studio, Google chrome...Ram Gluttons
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    Wait you said you have an i7 turbo to 3.1ghz... So it's ether a really old PC of a laptop... Doesn't really sound like a ram issue. Just sayin.
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    @hexc you can say old, bought it December 2013, has core I7 3632Q
    a clean build takes max 1 minute but as u can see RAM usage is insane when visual studio rarely reach 500MB
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    All Jetbrains IDEs have similar memory footprint, I mean don't get me wrong Jetbrains IDEs are some of the best one you will find out there. It's jus that they are coded in Java
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    @dontbeevil you misunderstood me. I was talking about the optimisation normally c++ devs does to keep memory on track. The pictures op posted is pretty normal for jvm. Even the simplest java gui can easily eat 2-3 gb ram just because it's available. Surely you can just call system.gc() everytime you are clicking a button, it's just simply not needed.
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