
There was a guy back at uni who, I'd have to say is just manipulative SOB,

I say this because of two situations:
We started uni, first week of programming homework, I helped him out, second week rolls around and this happens:

SOB: hey can you give me the answers to homework for this week?
Me: no but I can explain my idea process, which I then in painstaking detail, break down everything needed to do the homework, I thought maybe he'd understand the process and get the hang of it, he answers me with this
Me: so now that I explained everything did you understand what to do?
SOB: yeah yeah I do now could you give me the answers

But that ain't the only time, nope, at the same time for another class he was part of our team, where we decided to some ambitious project combining 3d printing + an Arduino to make a turret, needless to say my team mates knew nothing of Arduinos or 3d modelling, I did some 3d modelling in my spare time so I handled that other team mates made the Arduino rotate a motor :/ best they could do, SOB does nothing, assessment days rolls around and lecturer goes around the room we show him the turret, the Arduino and proceed to say SOB has done nothing, never contacted us through the last 6 weeks, despite us trying to do so, he begins to complain saying we lied, lecture takes him out of the room because we were starting to make a scene, and he starts crying! The lecturer gives him a B+!

I then hear him one day joking to this guy that he managed to pass Class A by doing nothing and managed to get a higher grade than the rest of his group, at the time he was copying homework from a person for the first programming class because he failed!

Later I hear in my final year he was hanging out with some first years, a friend of mine sees him and says hi, why you hanging with first years, the group of first years look at him and ask how he knows them, and proceeds to question why they were told he was a first year also...

Not only this but I heard despite failing so many papers (heard he was repeating first programming class 3-4 times) he somehow managed to graduate.... I just can't understand why, oh and he has a job too, managed to get one from a guy he knew working in IT he doesn't deserve his bachelor's degree at all!

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    he is pain in ass
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    My generation is full of pricks like that
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    The worst!! Fortunately I had one leech actually turn into someone who works hard and we now work together.

    It does happen!!
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    @soolkiki yeah sadly this guy isn't someone fortunate to learn from his failures, I forgot to mention he got his parents to pay for his papers (in NZ we have student loans) so he probably doesn't understand the loss or what wasting money is.

    Also he's the type of guy to bring his Alienware laptop into a lecture, sit there for 30 minutes playing DotA then leave part way through the lecture, not in between the lecturer having a break just mid-sentence, I think he went in because he probably got better WiFi or something.
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    If this tool can get a job, why cant i with my web stack portfolio and IT job experience?
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    That's how sad things are sadly :/ I spent six months trying to get a job after I graduated mind you I have pretty decent grades nothing like Mr. fails3-4times, but I got my job from a friend who's company needed a developer :/ they didn't even read my CV

    Getting a job is just about who you know, which is bullshit.

    Not trying to brag though like I've said before I want to work in a proper development company where I could at least get a mentor.
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    @f03n1x same here, i just want to work in a place where i can grow as a dev. Being from The Bahamas, that's gonna be hard for me, but im trying to work something out for myself
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    @f03n1x he's entitled for sure...
    I guess at this point, you can only hope you don't end up on the same job as him.
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    @AllenII well I hope all goes well, personally I only want to work enough so I can support myself making my game :/ though not sure how long I'd have to work to be able to do that, I'd say I'll do contract work but it seems like people want someone with a billion years of experience for a couple months work :/
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    @f03n1x i feel your pain, i really do
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    Not a generation or demographics problem, it has happened to humanity for ages.

    That is the kind of person that reproduces constantly while the hardworking and the smart does not.

    Humanity is doomed, only solution is an idiot holocaust.
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    @mundo03 am i bad person for always liking the sound of that?
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    @AllenII Nah fuck that SOB
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    @AllenII na man, we have to see the greater good!
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