
Was using my Arch linux and made a usual -Syu update, and what a fuck: my mesa driver went crazy, sddm fucked up, and I couldn't load my favorite KDE!
Fortunately installed GNOME, and customized it a bit, but damn, miss my desktop
Gonna do all posible to repare this bug ASAP))

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    I updated last night and had a few things break. Found the answer on the wiki and got it fixed. 99% of the time arch is great but every once in a while it tries to sabotage you.
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    @ryanmhoffman so cool, but so unstable(
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    That is why I keep my balls off Arch. Fedora is modern enough for me, yet stable.
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    @lig1 Despite being not stable, Arch is cutting-edge, has AUR full of almost all needed packages and has good community support) so, It is risky, but cool to use Arch)
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    Arch is for those who like to be up to date. If you are like me then you have a backup rootfs to boot into so you can use arch chroot to fix problems.
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    Sorry for hijacking your rant but for some reason my arch tries to run the profile network at boot then fails and once I log in I have to set the network down and the start the profile with netctl , anyway to remove the network boot sequence? (Noob at Arch, search online but nothing)
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    @mvalentin I am not an expert at it, but had simillar problem
    I had dhcpcd service enabled at some interfaces, and had some errors with it, so I simply installed NetworkManager, and disabled dhcpcd, then I had no errors with it
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    @OrestH thanks I'll try that once I get home
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