
Greetings @dfox @trogus, et al,

Here is some feedback with aspirations for the backlog.

I think it would be a good addition in the devRant UI if we could paste in code snippets and have that code display with proper fonts and syntax formatting, and even ideally with highlighting by language.

Currently, if we paste in any code or text for that matter it is translated into a sans-serif font (14px Helvetica Regular on webapp) which is fine for the poetic prose from our fine and noble devRant colleagues, but not ideal for shared monospace snippets of lesser and grand design.

Here are two websites that provide conversion of code snippets into formatted syntax, and HTML. http://hilite.me/ and http://markup.su/highlighter/
Both of these sites provide an API so highlighters can be used as a service.

Mockup attached.
Thank you @jaaku for your post, and welcome.

devRant for the win


  • 29
    You mean so we can gradually turn into a cozier stack overflow with rants? :D
  • 7
    @Eqb8 exactly

    Just in case
  • 23
    Any code posted here for rant reasons can be posted as a screenshot. Code posted for other reasons... shouldn't be here.
  • 12
    There are already plenty of sites for this purpose. This isn't one of them.
  • 4
    But Why?
  • 7
    Please nope
  • 15
    Here, let me downvote this for you.

    Furthermore, I would like to introduce you to another "devRant" site (not created by @dfox and @trogus) with a different alias
    http://www.stackoverflow.com/. It is pretty good in my opinion and contains every snippet you will ever need. You should totally check it out...

    By the way, please don't be offended I was as much sarcastic as I could.

    P.S.: You are excellent at writing documentations as I see, what is your position at your job?
  • 7
    Got it, well said everyone. Less is more. Thanks for all the replies and honest opinions.

    Agreed, please downvote this and maybe we can get it to negative country.

    Nah, I don't get offended. I love patiently and thoughtfully discussing all sides of everything which has helped in my current role as a Software Business Analyst, and previously as a UX Engineer, and Frontend Developer. Good times.
  • 2
    @unjx I didn't mean to be rude indeed but good that you're taking it well 😀. But please let's get this up voted so other people with this idea won't post it over and over again when reading the comments!
  • 5
    It would be nice but devRant would just turn into "how to fix dis? Cosnoel.log('hello werld')"
  • 3
    @unjx Not going to repeat what everyone else said; I agree with their reasoning.

    I had to leave a comment because you're fucking awesome. Thorough, thought out feature request with mockup, everyone disagrees and you genuinely appreciate the criticism.

    You're fucking awesome. That is all.
  • 9
    Woot, thank you so much @darkcode, and thank you @linuxxx, and everyone. I am stoked.

    To me, what is awesome is that people took the time to say "NOPE, that's a bad idea!", and explained why. That is an invaluable effort and sure fire sign that we have a team that cares here at devRant.

    In my experience, it is critical to have transparency, to understand the importance of "fail fast, fail often", and to embrace the fact that any "lag in discovery" is truly a risk. All these requirements cannot be met with an attitude that is easily and personally offended, does not listen, or is self-defeating.

    Ideas are supposed to come and go. Experiments are supposed to fail, and regrettably, some parachutes are not going to open. But we sure as hell are never going to quit trying and doing; ever.

    Later skaters
  • 1
    @unjx that was probably the most beautiful speech i heard all month 😭
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