
! WebDevs
I'm just undecided with which ide for web development I should go..
I'm switching all the time.
I'm working with NetBeans, codepen and brackets.
What do you use and why? (please only free versions)
Thank you
Above are just example pics.

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    I use or have used vscode, sublime, atom, phpstorm (not free) and also nano. I used the because each are very good in their own way. You'll never find the one you want if you take someones would for it. You need to find the one you like but also the one that works best and you're able to get the most done with.
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    I have worked with Netbeans and JSP for web. It was a nice experience.

    I have used Brackets but I find it only usable for specific changes in files, not for the whole development cycle. It's pretty but it is limited.

    I have used Visual Studio for asp.net. And it is a huge IDE with lots of features. At times is slow but has a lot of features. And auto complete. Although Brackets auto complete feels better.

    So, you should ask yourself, do you need a full IDE with lots of features that you won't need them all (at first only a few to be honest) such as Netbeans, Visual Studio and the likes, or an advanced text editor such as Brackets, Atom and the similar?

    Well, I recommend you to find what suits you at first. Full IDE or advanced text editor? Then filter those and start testing hands on. Whatever suits you and your team (if there is a team) is what you should use. There's no best option there.
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    @ScribeOfGoD I hear sublime very often here
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    @lostinmyworld hmm you both are right I think. I should test them and then choose the right for me
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    Thank you for these fast response
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    Sublime is an advanced text editor.

    I believe I didn't say my preference. So, personally I prefer IDE with more features (one of these days I will lose you unittest!) and advanced text editor for small/large changes but on a small amount of files.

    Why? Because I cannot quite fit on my mind that the whole project will be in text editors. But when I think it with IDE for the project and text editors for changes, I can easily perceive it.
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    I use netbeans. Tried many others but i don't have the same feeling with, for php, css, html, javascript, i really like netbeans. Personal opinion.
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    Using VScode when alone...Atom with Power Mode when with company
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    I currently use vscode. I like the plugins and it loads pretty quick. I used atom before that but it was fucking awful. It constantly froze when opening files or there were more than 2 files open.
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    Sublime Text. Done.
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    Cool kids use VS Code nowadays since it's the shiny new thing, but it's not really an IDE; It functions as a supercharged text editor like Sublime. I would try IntelliJ, I believe there is a community version. If you are a student, you can also get an education license for free.
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    Sublime text is my favorite. Overall it's a simple and powerful IDE for any language, very intuitive. It also has a huge library of mods that are SUPER easy to install with the package installer, it's free to use (but it will ask you to purchase a license after a trial period which I genuinely plan on purchasing soon I PROMISE) and it's very well made overall. Everything you want in a IDE in my opinion.
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    I use coffeecup html editor. Apart from the odd crash when it removes your recent projects, it's great. Fast, flexible enough and free
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    Personally, I love the simplicity of Atom.
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    @leny best editor, yes.
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    @devoutpost it's not an IDE
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    Has one of them "life view"? I mean like a window or so where I can see instant changes how my website looks?
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    @jakobev phpstorm does. If You're an open-source dev then you might qualify for a free year license, that you can renew :)
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    @jakobev brackets does have too. All in all is brackets a great tool (i don't use it but my student coworkers do)
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    Although I'm late to the party, I'd personally recommend Netbeans (my fav ide) for most stuff and (I think it's Linux only though but idk what os you use) GEdit/Geany for quick edits :)
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    @devoutpost unfortunately, Sublime (VS Code and Atom too) is not really an IDE out of the box. In order to get near the functionality of a full blown IDE it relies on community built plugins. So your mileage may vary. I would really not develop software being built with a strongly-typed language on it. Extremely useful to have type resolution and a debugger built in.
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    @Jase what's goin on with tour account man. How many is this one 😆
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