Open terminal.
Type "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl"
Press enter. Sit back and enjoy.
Thank me later.

  • 4
    Star Wars
  • 7
    @CozyPlanes I see. Unfortunately I just joined a couple of days back. Sorry for not checking each and every user's previous rants before posting mine.
  • 10
    This isn't just a repost though, this is basically internet archaeology at this point...
  • 1
    @H4RD-C0D3R basic things you probably shouldn't post as it's been done. Memes and basic dev knowledge of the internet 😉😊
  • 3
    @runfrodorun devRant is made for devs to rant about their job. It shouldn't be a platform for shitty jokes and means.
  • 4
    To all of you who complain: Not everybody has seen everything, not everybody has used all the technologies no matter how commin they are and not everybody is on devRant all the time so they can know every post. Reposting some stuff occasionaly is quite desireable. Ever heard of spreading knowledge?
  • 1
    @nikola1402 by do we really need it 10 times a week? If I haven't seem it for a while I'll let it pass but if I seen it repeatly during the week then I just report them
  • 2
    Well o never knew of this till just now. Its konda cool. But i have work to accomplish
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD no, that's a bit much. I have been ~15 minutes daily on devRant and it's the first time for me. I am more irritated about people being generally pissed about reposts. When it comes to memes i completely agree, but we should all have a bit more tolerance about tips&tricks reposts
  • 0
    ++ for you. And for you. And for you. ++ All the things!
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