Dearest Spotify,

I do NOT like podcasts, I do NOT listen to them, I do NOT want to, I do NOT want them as a non-dismissible FUCKING banner PERPETUALLY AT THE TOP OF MY HOME FUCKING SCREEN


AND I DEFINITELY D O N OOO T WANT your SHITTY RECOMMENDATIONS to have PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGES AND THEMES when I often have the Spotify homepage open on my DESKTOP I don't want to explain that to people who happen to glance at my FUCKING screen.

Holy fucking shit just give me music recommendations and FUCK OFF.

  • 4
    Spotify is getting tiring these days. Recommendations are weaker and device sync and play queue are thoroughly messed up. Fucking thing stops playing in the middle of a song for no reason multiple times throughout the day.
    And why the fuck can I not add a playlist to queue?
    Please, I don't want to switch to Amazon/ YouTube
  • 3
    Know this one, never listened to one of the fucking things on Spotify in my life, might have listened to three elsewhere, every day I'm greeted with this. I have no bastarding idea who Will Sasso is.
  • 3
    I’m pissed at Spotify as well because they’re monopolizing a bunch of podcasts I’ve been used to listening to on the Podcast app of my iPhone. If any of you are familiar with gimlet podcasts, as of November most of their new podcast episodes will be available "only on Spotify". Fuck that
  • 2
    Alternatives exist.
  • 4
    I zoomed in to fond they pornografy, im really disappointed now
  • 4
    If you already know what you want to hear, then why are you using Spotify?

    Just get the music you want on your device and do the shuffle or make yourself some playlists or both.

    Recommendation systems are almost always crap - including Netflix (and they actually try to do them right).
    They generally just recommend the mainstream plus stuff like the shit you already know about.
  • 1
    @knobfloortowel Not on this screenshot, unfortunately.
  • 2
    You could try using css or ublock rules to hide that part of the page.
  • 3
    @Oktokolo I wonder the same. No one ever considers not using a streaming service
  • 1
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