My friend at my office tell me what he did everyday

6.00 am wakeup
6.10 am code while showering (using phone)
8.00 am make a coffee
8.05 am start code
12.00 pm eating lunch
12.10 pm start code
5.00 pm go to home
5.30 pm pickup a phone and do a some socmed
6.00 pm eating
6.10 pm code in pc
11.00 pm sleep

He did that everyday. Im shocked he can code like that. Then i ask him why. He tell me that he loves code so much, everytime he found an error he find a way to solve it and he said it was fun so he cant stop code

I think my boss has brainwashed him :/

  • 4
    @norman70688 i forget to add when he finised the shower and when he go to work. You know every programmer make mistake. :D
  • 19
    Wouldnt it be faster and more productive to just do a fast shower and code on a pc.
  • 17
    Code on phone? For fuck sake really, do people really do that. I find it very stupid.
  • 0
    Code on phone like type in .txt file and use that on machine right ?
  • 2
    And I though I eat fast...
  • 3
    What does he code on the phone???
  • 1
    @agus24 and now you want to fix this mistake in production?
  • 6
    Coding on phone...In the shower? ...what ... how ... .....Why?
  • 3
    @agus24 enlighten us. Shower, phone, Code? Wtf
  • 2
    I've seen those addicted to coding, but that I did not see, coding in shower using his phone 🙄
    If a tablet that I might agree cuz of a larger screen
  • 5
    Okay.. I thought I was the crazy one.. But, your friend definitely takes the cake...

    Seriously never thought I'll hear of someone who codes in the shower using his phone..

    Never felt comfortable coding on my phone... It just doesn't feel right...
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