
Surprinsingly Linux (Elementary OS 0.4) handles Intel HD Graphics 3000 better than Windows 10. Games runs actually better on Elementary, than on Windows on my laptop!

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    Got it on my old shitty laptop, its a quite capable and useful piece of shit now, since i wiped the pre-installed windows 8. So clean and simple to use, no clutter.
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    I installed on my mom's laptop, she is able to use it just fine and have less questions than when on windows.

    That has to mean something.
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    Got the same experience some while ago with an Intel HD as well. Even emulated games ran better than on Windows. Because windows being so greedy for resources.
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    @moandip I can play Half Life 2 with no lag at all!
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    I heard that elementary os has some problems during installation. Can someone share his experience?
    Currently I consider switching to kde neon.
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    @AndiLeni none for me, piece of cake.
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    @AndiLeni Well uhh, not a lot to report, to be honest. There's one bug, which causes desktop initialize after 2 minutes, but it can be easily fixed
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    I can play Half-Life2 about 200fps with celeron b815, 1.6ghz with Arch Linux and i3wm (render at 640 x 480 and force window to fullscreen with i3wm) (It just pure awesome)
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    Why you're running an Intel processor when you are calling yourself "Athlon"?
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    @jfdev That's because my first PC had Athlon processor
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