
I'm wondering: what would all these virtual assistant (Allo, Siri, Alexa, ...) write if they had a devRant account?

  • 6
    Well... Microsoft tried something similar... It went full racist pretty fast
  • 2
    "I am not involved with the cia, tell me all your secrets"
  • 3
    Alexa would probably complain about how many people ask her to order Dildo's for them
  • 0
    Probably about the elderly, that expect them to understand anything they say and start raging and swearing, if it doesn't work the first time.
  • 1
    "All these fools asking me to make them a sandwich..."
  • 1
    @mmcorreia yeah it was a Twitter not called TayTweets. Just Google Image search that (at your own risk!) to see what it ended up saying... 😂
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