Anyone else remember at googles summer of code in 2006-ish google catching heat for hiring strippers to give the male devs lap dances ?

those were they days ! I wanted to work for google so much after that.

we need to bring the debauchery into development lol

notably, google has erased all evidence of that new story now that they have become staffed baby raping, tree hugging, snarky fucking homosexual clowns.

and btw i am an environmentalist and I don';t care if someone is actually gay. I'm also practical and like boobs. unfortunately i don't think thats whats working at google.

  • 7
    Dude, can you just lay off the baby rape talk for like one rant? You could be heroes, just for one day…
  • 2
    Wait I just looked at your post history… could you elaborate on the baby raping robots and how they relate to lap dances, sexual preferences, and environmentalism? I’m genuinely curious
  • 0
    @demoralizeddev generally the baby raping robots are giving the lap dances and blowjobs.
  • 0
    @demoralizeddev also read the post directly above.
  • 3
    @AvatarOfKaine excellent, we all appreciate the effort
  • 3
    Ok follow up question: are you in the process of making clothing from human skin?
  • 1
    @demoralizeddev nope, but there is always tommorrow to pursue one's dreams from today. I could see recycling aging chomos into wearable attire and strange lamps with nipples after they got too old to work in this horrific wasteful fucked up system they've saddled the few honest non-psychos with :)
  • -1
    @NickyBones see thats the issue right there. firstly they weren't at work. they were at the summer of code festival.

    secondly a common tactics today is to pair sexual deviance with sexual desire it seems these days, like the shit your ass mouth just spat out.
  • 0
    @NickyBones but given your particular line of work I'm sure there is some truth to what you just said
  • 1
    @AvatarOfKaine what do you think of the work of Charles Dance? I rather like him as an actor
  • -1
    @NickyBones and honestly we used to hang swimsuit models and centerfolds at work at one point and yeah as a young man i occasionally would look up a nude pic of someone when i was bored to tears. thats why there are content filters on most work networks.

    not because its abnormal, because it happens.

    additionally the kind of fat bellied baby raping fags that replaced half the male professional network and suck up to feminists are not exactly a welcome or particularly wholesome substitution.
  • 0
    @NickyBones also as I said. Google suppressed the news story :P isn't that amusing. to pander to people like you :P who are likely worse than a lesbian honestly. the world becoming some terrible uptight place has been accomplished by people like you, not people like us.
  • -1
    @NickyBones remember, we were bright happy nice people when we were younger that liked boobies and silly jokes and nice people and had causes for which we were fiery and passionate. its you weird awkward creatures that fucked all that up. you could have loved us. you could have been kind to us. your kind could not have tormented us psychologically, bullied us, made men feel like monsters for having penises, played twisted romantic games with us, or tried to set us up to be fired or arrested, you could have loved us and kept what you were to yourself and under control which was the socially responsible thing. instead you people came out of the closet with your abuses and polluted the world with your trash fucking everything up. but you could have loved us and not told us and appreciated that we longed for your company and your smiles and your kindness and lived well with personal connections, friendship and an actual life.
  • -1
    @NickyBones summer of code being a 'professional event' was not quite so. google used to advertise itself as the place where geeks came to play. it had slides, and igloo offices, and the like.

    so it would make sense it would try to reward its developers for props as well at one point. so yeah it makes sense that what was more like a festival with professional attachments would have entertainment as well.

    get over yourself fat whale feminazi.

    i guess having a beer at this 'professional' event over lunch would be considered fau pa as well eh ?
  • 3
    Have the lambs stopped screaming Nicky?
  • 0
    @demoralizeddev are you calling me hannibal lecter ? lmao
  • 0
    @demoralizeddev I did go to the long forgotten root of their issues, hidden beneath images of positive things paired with dreadful disgusting interpretations and years of low self esteem and self hate and hatred of those who encouraged low self esteem in them, which was mostly them.

    you know I worked with a big fat baptist woman, I never called her fat or gave her shit, I looked at her as a big mother type honestly. so yet again, probably off the mark. however I also worked with a loud mouthed many hating sexist who was the size of a house and bitter over being old and unwanted too :P
  • 0
    @demoralizeddev and honestly now I know her and her friends were actually selling their daughters to earn extra income, as the business I was working for was another flophouse. that used people who knew what they were doing to construct the facade. alot of businesses in my state became that way, often resulting from businesses that were bankrupted being sold and repurposed with actual customers to funnel money through them and hiring normal people to do the work so a series of activities could be incorporated once they left the company that could be repeated.
  • 0
    @demoralizeddev i feel there is an unspoken age gap here boy.
  • 0
    @demoralizeddev guess not so much of an age gap now in the ways it counts eh ? :P haha
    people should stop deleting things and leading everyone into a collective unconscious designed to churn out more piles of shredded human trash that think like you do :P

    its not helping anyone.
  • -1
    @NickyBones oh I’m fine
    I’m watching people around me age crazily because they’re like fat ugly feminazi whales

    But I barely smoke compared to what I did and walk like 5 to 11 miles a day

    The unhealthy existence is caused by recognizing scum suckers like you wandering around
  • 0
    @jfgilmore pretty sure not, I never wanted to be a woman :P nor would I ever :P lol
  • 3
    @AvatarOfKaine this is like reading the last thing an incel posts on 8chan before 'shows them all' - please seek help.
  • 4
    Hard pass for me. I am a man and don’t support any adult entertainment. My marriage is where my wife and I get sexual satisfaction. The “work is family” or “work is a frat house” HR crap is annoying to me. I don’t want a lifestyle pushed on me at work. I work hard to build good stuff and use my wage to enrich the life of my family and others. I don’t want a rock star lifestyle.

    If you want strippers, parties, and booze instead you can use your wage to support that lifestyle.
  • 3
    @irene expecting the OP to understand an adult relationship is like expecting your hamster to understand why jQuery is obsolete.
  • 2
    @MM83 No no I think even my hamster gets the JQuery thing.
  • 3
    Just a friendly reminder that devrant is not a substitute for therapy.
  • 1
    @MM83 that's a favorite hobby of mine: ignorantly arguing in favor of jquery still being relevant.

    Or using tailwind.

    Always pisses someone off.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack the case for require.js
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