I know it's late but: IoT.
Why? Because i was hired to do that.

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    looking at the biggest DDoS ever from recent events... what was it again? over thousands of requests per second?
    And then looking at the most represented devices hijacked for this...*drum rolls* IoT devices 😂😂 I don't want that stuff any near my house!
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    @JerreMuesli @Tokimimo i'm fine with that :)
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    No offence at all :D Sorry if you took it that way.
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    @Tokimimo ah ok. It sounded a bit like "why are you doing that, we don't like it!". Which would also be fine by me. Everybody is allowed to have it's opinion! Also: most of the muggles do not care about the implications.

    Edit: I mean: even if you would've wanted to anger me, i wouldn't mind.
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    Well no I just meant my generall opinion about IoT and not about you doing your job or what you like. Sorry buddy.

    Since you're working on IoT you can make your device safe and that would be lovely :) A device like that would even be in my house :D

    PS: Like your chill "attitude" about this. Very cool :) ( is attitude the right word? )
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    Its almost sure that in about 3 months I'm gonna study IOT. So, do you recommend it? Btw, I think IOT is quite interesting, I would like a smart refrigerator.
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    IoT sounds like people thinking "this is how the future will be" and it's always ridiculous ideas.
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    @Jifuna hmm. The problem: Most IoT companies don't care about security and if you are not in a controlling position you probably can't get them to adopt secure practices. If a security problem leaks, the company's name will suffer. Another problem is that there is no real usecase/market for IoT, except maybe security for normal end users. That's why most companies operate on industry level (smart vending machines, IoT controlled factories, ...). Still i can only barely see the usecase there. Why must every node be smart? To make everything more complicated to develop? If you have a plan what you gonna do with IoT or are really interested, go for it. I just think it is one of these to technologies which could work but was brought to live much too early. Maybe someday when electronics, power and internet are really cheap this takes off big.
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    @Tokimimo thanks! Yes, attitude is the right word. Also "approach" could be used.
    My actual plan is to make our system immensely secure, like, without the typical mistakes. For this my first goal was/is to not end up in the /r/theinternetofshit subreddit. A second goal i want to reach is to be more secure than banks. Really, most of the run windows XP on cash machines! Or you don't even have 2 factor login for your e-banking access. Or some banks send you confidential data per unencrypted e-mail. As a smart home provider i think one has to be more secure than banks+energy providers. Imagine what would happen if someone hacked a power plant (doesn't have to be nuclear). If they shut down the plant, a whole city could be down. And if you hack a large enough IoT provider you can bring down power plants by abusing the power grid through these smart devices.
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    Way to go! I kind of love you for this way of developing IoT. Fun thing is, here is a video of people hacking a power plant 😂😂 https://youtu.be/pL9q2lOZ1Fw
    So you're point is very legit and I am honestly interested in the finished product of yours :)
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    @darksideplease okay, thank you! I'll keep that in mind.
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    @Tokimimo ah, thank you i guess!
    I already saw this video, but yes, pretty frightening.
    The product actually runs but it still needs architectural improvements. What can i say, we need customers, but on the other hand it still needs to get better.
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    Listen to his advice. If you're interested go for it :) Being interested makes learning much more simple and makes you enjoy it, also it's always good for the portfolio ;) IoT can be a big future.

    one note though, smart refrigerator sounds nice but I personally have too much doubts. I don't want a machine and maybe the company to know what I buy, how often, how long it stays in there or even worse it telling me something has to be bought. I just can't get used to that fact. Its much more power and information they have right there than one would think on the first thought x.x
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    @Tokimimo you are right, althought the smart fridge reminded me of this movie: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/... (the article and movie are in german only, sry) where they have a fridge which reminds you what to buy. In today's world with tracking ads, amazon dash buttons, personalized pricing this would lead to...idk? Strange situations for consumers most probably.
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    @Tokimimo thx man! Yeah, it sounds nice but you're right about the fact the company gets a lot of information about you. Its a little bit creepy.
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    @darksideplease haha, luckily I understand a little bit Deutsch. Looks like a fun movie.
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