
I have ADHD. If you don't know what that means, for me it makes me a better software engineer. I can't do repetitive, so my code is by definition DRY. If someone needs help, I'll notice and help because my brain can't filter out the emotion of someone struggling. I fixate on problems I don't know how to solve, I literally struggle to stop myself. The list goes on. But, at its heart, who gives a shit?

I'm a software engineer, and I'm good at what I do. Does anything else matter?

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    Credit to @IntrusionCM for the suggestion to live what I preach.
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    Except programming is quite often repetitive.
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    @iiii But it isn't! It has short feedback loops. Action, result. Action, result.

    Dopamine regulates "goal directed actions". It's the neuro chemical for reward. Your brain gives you some dopamine when you fill a form for next week. It gives you more dopamine when you do something fun today. ADHD may also be due to higher dopamine for immediate rewards and lower dopamine for delayed rewards.
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    @atheist I don't remember when working was fun 😐
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    A person with ADHD struggles to think ahead because their brain is only rewarding them for immediate consequences.
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    I'm not a doctor but that sounds more like OCD to me.
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    @iiii 😅🙈 That may be a different problem. But yes. If work is shit, my performance drops noticeably.
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    @atheist I'm just a depressman 😐
    Probably having anhedonia as a consequence
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    @nitnip OCD is different. OCD is more characterised by a compulsion to repeat actions, ADHD relates to ability to continue a single task. The difference between feeling compelled to read the same page in a book repeatedly, vs being up until 4am because you felt compelled to finish the book.

    I do not make light of OCD. I'm simply trying to explain by comparison. My understanding of ADHD is better, and I do not do OCD justice.
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    Or, of course, the stereotype of ADHD, you can't sit still long enough to start.

    Or you start something, but get bored, and so your brain changes task without asking you.
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    This has confused me a little bit because I now have 2 rants discussing the same topic (this was inspired by a comment in the other)

    link: https://devrant.com/rants/4781731/...
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    @GeorgeBool 😂 Respect.
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    > your brain changes tasks without asking to you

    geez man, that explains me so well
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    @atheist do you hate writing css and html as much as I do? I always dread writing simple html forms bc it’s super boring, and css is too much boiler plate for me. I have a number of unfinished projects due to my dislike of css and html, sigh.
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    @TeachMeCode I don't know if he does but I do feel ya.
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    @TeachMeCode I spent a few weeks in my current job writing HTML then told the CTO I was unhappy because of this, implied I might leave as a result.

    Literally told them in the fucking interview I want SFA to do with fronted.

    JS isn't too bad as a backend language. NPM does a better job than most package management systems.
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    @atheist CSS is a whole new level of pain. It’s a frustrating and broken pile of shit with too many rules that you’re forced to either memorize or die. And the boilerplate grinds my carpal tunnels away
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