
Angular2 or ReactJS?

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    Angular if you wanna be edgy.
    React if you want to be judged by everybody.
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    Angular \o/
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    What feels more natural to you. If you like the approach of react (which was the reason why I chose it, it was a reminded me a lot of Java swing), then go for react. If you like angular More, use it instead. ;)
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    @sam9669 I only judge if i know the reason it was chosen was ill-founded which anything hyped has a track record for.

    People think i bash React but i don't, it's just the idiotic reasons it gets used for which applies to any framework where people don't do their research first and formulate opinions later.
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    @nblackburn please don't take this personally, I don't know any of the above mentioned javascripts, I was just kidding .
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    Ones a framework, ones not..
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    @sam9669 It's rare i take anything personally these days.
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    @kekkyojin @w0ble It kind of defeats the point of a multiple choice question if you invent your own answer.
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    @xociety I am sure people will disagree with that statement 😂
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    @nblackburn I mean it's true though. Facebook even says it's not a MVC framework. It just not designed to be like one. Thats why React so flexible and great. 😂😂
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    @xociety ye, love it too!
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    Angular 2 with asp.net core is magic 😇
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    Vuejs ftw!
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    React.js or if I could choose another one...Vue.js

    Angular is like a puppy you thought was brilliant and cute when it was younger...but then when it got older it jumped up on the dinner table when you had your boss over and proceeded to shit all over everything and furiously fuck the napkin dispenser.
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    @moshmage it's not that bad, I just like vivid descriptions.
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    Personally i use Vue :)
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