
You know what i hate? Applying to jobs and never getting feedback--if a polite "we didn't hire you because x and y" is too damn hard, i would still rather a royal refusal over not hearing anything back at all. It's happened to me 3-4 times in a row now, probably going to be 5 - 6 soon enough. Seriously though, what is this shortage of devs everyone talks about? Because here i am with both hands and a leg in the air high as i could manage and you're not even acknowledging me? I even made a small React SPA once to satisfy a company's questions and show a bit of my competence--you think i ever got a reply from them? Shit, i didnt even get an auto reply. And from what ive read here on others' rants, im far from being alone. At least i could understand why they dont look at me (Bahamian, no degree, never had a dev job, etc.), but for proven programmers to go unnoticed the way they do is ridiculous.

  • 4
    Don't stop applying and sending resumé, it happens to me. Just don't give up. Do you have a portfolio website? Make one, showcase your talent there.
  • 5
    I was so fed up with the same format in the internship at companies that I applied to almost 20 once, and got selected in 8, now that's a whole new situation
  • 1
    @saiphp i do. Its on my resume. In fact, my resume is on my site.
  • 1
    You just summed it up man :(
  • 0
    Yep. Not only resumes, in fact, but every time you're getting evaluated and don't get feedback on how to get better. Happens all the time. Even if you put your whole soul into making something, and then just get an automated message saying "nope, we don't even care enough to explain what you did wrong".
  • 0
    @jAsE yeah actually the start up trend has been great for young entrepreneurs to invest money into, saving us new comers into business a ton of work
  • 0
    @jAsE wow might meet with u in person to learn a thing or two about business, and I hope you do well in the future with your experience
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