Step 1: start programming from a young age
Step 2: dedicate years to college
Step 3: get a job in a big, respected company
Step 4: do menial tasks that have nothing to do with your educat- wait, what

  • 4
    for me it was take programming in hs
    take programming in college
    realize i was taking the same shit + math
    drop out of college
    join the mil
    get a job for 5 years and learn recent tech
    get a job at a big company
    watch people make bad decisions.
  • 4
    For me it was code for years. Join new company 3 years ago. Get new CIO. No more code development. Implement all off the shelf applications. Get promoted to Systems Architect. Have no clue what my job actually is anymore. Don't touch code for last 1.5 years. Contemplate becoming a janitor so I can have some job satisfaction.
  • 2
    Step 5: Create your own company.
  • 1
    Step 1: skipped
    I was about 16 when I first started, but it didn't stick until I was in my 20's.

    Step 2: skipped
    College? I lm a high school drop out. What's this dedication to education you speak off?

    Step 3: eventually made it here, had some small business jobs first.

    Step 4: if we count 9+ hours a day of meetings in this category, because that's all I've been doing lately, and still expected to deliver things 😑
    There was a time when it was 8-15 hours a day of just code, lots and lots of pumping out code, but no so much these days.
  • 1
    @inawhile what code do motherfuckers write? 🤔
  • 0
    @inawhile the fuck?
  • 0
    @inawhile it looks like low level spaghetti.
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