
Client: We need these book genres added to the website ASAP!
PM: Hey dev, its priority #1, please add these genres ASAP!
Dev: Okay, can I get a file which needs to be imported?
Client: Oh we will have that in couple of weeks.
Dev: Okay so write me in couple of weeks.
Client: What kind of company is this? Outrageous!!!

  • 13
    So first it's urgent and on top of that they don't have the information on file with them. Another issue, your PM should have been the one who should have informed the client to give the data before the request was made to you.
  • 5
    By the way, welcome to devRant. This was an awesome kickstart rant you did bro. Cheers!
  • 8
    Thank you! I was thinking about creating an anonymous blog to rage dailybut I guess this place will work even better!
  • 1
    you have to write the file. dooh. this is what i do all the time.
  • 2
    Because of course every dev has a crystal orb on their desk usb charged and ready to paranormally extract the information from the client's sorry ass excuse for a brain.

    I rather do crystal meth...and give that to the customer, maybe then you get the info you need
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