
People calling themselves "Thought Leaders" on LinkedIn.

Torn between wanting to know what the fuck this means and knowing that the answer will doubtless make me lose even more faith in humanity.

The one I just saw referred to as such (probably by himself) is that Simon Sinek goof who went viral a while back for saying that all millennials are useless lazy dopamine junkies because their parents spoiled them beyond repair. He looks like the kind of gold-plated twat who would definitely consider himself a Thought Leader, even though 'millennials are a bit lazy' is the kind of insight you can get down your local pub from the guy who'd otherwise be trying to sell you tickets to a dog fight.

How do you qualify as a Thought Leader? Do you just need to dress like salesman of the month, or do you actually need to be good at anything?

I love LinkedIn.

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    Simon Sinek is legit good. Though a lot of his content is repetitive in different ways, he actually did come up with some interesting stuff.

    However, he soon became a hip icon where bitches followed him to gain attention onnto themselves ruining his cause.

    But apart from that, I'd agree, LinkedIn is a shithole worse than India.

    Here's something for you www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics
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    @Floydimus I would love to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, but you will have a hard time convincing me that this guy is not of the twatus genus. If you were invited to a work meeting and saw that at the front you'd know it you'd never be getting those two hours of your life back.
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    @rutee07 I've noticed a direct proportion between how untalented someone is and how much inspiring content they have on LinkedIn. I think it shall be called Sinek's Ratio.
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    @MM83 he is definitely not a genius the socials portray him to be. But his work is surely impressive.
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    I block such nonsense. If I wanted mindless "oohhhh look at me I'm so amazing" spam with mindless sheep following them going "ohhhh how inspirational" then I'd be on Instagram or somewhere equally diabolical.
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    @rutee07 wtf is the message there, is that supposed to be a positive thing? When life fucks you, beg God to stop being mean?

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    @rutee07 that's not realistic. Where are the 3 toddlers crying their life out?
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    @MM83 or....blow God?
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    I first saw the 'thought leaders' phrase on Thoughtworks website. I thought that this had something to do with them but now I see it everywhere.

    I guess it's an HR/management thing now.
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    I actually deleted my LinkedIn. I'd rather stay where I'm at until I die than having to be exposed to so many double digit IQed people.

    F Internet and F technology. Though I love technology, humans can't use geniuses invention for anything else than wanking.

    F this shit. Good projects don't make money. Every time they ask me "Why do you want to work here" I just want to say "Hey because I need a piece of the funny green bills from that funny green bills machine of yours but beside that am good bro if I could I'd be working at solving real problems but I can't because my parents fucked me by being poor like 99% of that damn planet so instead I'll leave these to out of touch rich people who will botch it and eventually kill us all, including your boss."

    But instead I say. "Awesome awesome excited hahahah yeah so great big smile let's do it!". That's how you speak success in idiot.

    As you can see, LinkedIn doesn't help with faith in humanity, neither do people.
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    Linkedin is half a pussy hair above Facebook and Twitter. Social media in general is the epitome of a good idea immediately gone bad and getting worse.
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