
I bought a shaker bottle from protein shakes and well... It's not working?

It's a actually supposed to prevent this from happening?

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    And somehow the Algo thinks this was a landscape pic?
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    That ball is meant to break up clumps of powder. Looks like you're either using way too little fluid or not shaking hard enough.
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    @saucyatom well the soylent said 2 scoops for 12 FL oz.

    I added milk to the 14 mark. Usually I'd mix it with hot water in a large coffee mug, which I guess makes it more soluble... but apparently you shouldn't use anything hot with these bottles.
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    Only tried this kinda thing a few times but if I learned anything it's that you really gotta shake the fuck out of that bottle and pray it stays shut.
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    @deadlyRants I’d love to have a paint shaker, throw one of them in there and never worry again lol
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    In my experience, warming up the milk a bit helps.

    Not heating, just that it isn't stone cold.

    Sometimes - without realizing it - I pressed protein powder in the scoop to hard... It then just gets one big bloop like in your picture.

    Fill up half, add powder, take a spoon and make sure no blob of powder exist by mixing it a bit, add rest of milk, shake well.

    Out of curiosity: Does this taste like shit, too?

    Had to drink protein shakes mostly when meds made eating difficult and most of them ... Were an unpleasant taste.
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    @deadlyRants so I put the drink back into the mug along with the ball then used a spoon to stir it around and well this seems better...

    So only thing I needed was the metal wire.... And problems will need to buy another mug so I can store it in my fridge.

    Another instance of a simple a solution beats a complex one.... But only realizing after the fact.
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    @IntrusionCM same actually, not getting enough calories so either this or a feeding tube...

    Soylent cacao actually isn't that bad, it's not as sweet as all the other chocolate meal drinks.

    Though other then the calories, the vitamins and minerals (daily value) are half or less than those.
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    Is it soylent green?
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    Soylent: now with added concrete
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    @rutee07 actually I used a spoon like the handle in your pic and stirred it around
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