Hacktoberfest time, and I usually try to contribute by creating some trivial issues and labelling them as such - ones that I could fix in 2 seconds, just to help those starting out get a pull request and get used to how the process works. Like, we're talking *really* trivial - remove superfluous import statements, that sort of thing. In most of these I list exactly what needs to be changed.

This guy picks, what's probably the *easiest* of these tasks going, and then comes back saying he's got some questions. Dude, seriously?! It's right there in the damn issue description.

Whatever, I decide to be nice and I say he's welcome to ask. Brace myself for answering some stupid crap, but fine, we were all new once.

THE GUY COMES BACK AND SAYS HE NEEDS A CALL. A call, seriously? What is this crap? I do you a favour by letting you create a trivial PR, and you want me to literally burn my time & jump on a call to take you through step by step what to do?! Pff, and people wonder why I'm grumpy most of the time.

  • 6
    Teach me the ways of OpenSource
  • 8

    1. Pick a project open to contributions
    2. Find an issue you want work on
    3. Apply for fixing it, wait for feedback
    4. Open a pull request
    5. After merged, thanks the team for wasting their time checking your pr, I do it always

    And that's how I started contributing, one day, randomly, because I was bored as fuck.
  • 2
    @xxzer0 thanks a lot for the answer and for ur time which u spended while answering me
  • 2
    @NamanB Glad to help, you will have fun if you embrace the way of the open source. I learnt the trickiest and advaced stuff while contributing. It's such a nice experience.
  • 1
    @xxzer0 i'm looking forward to it
  • 0
    Oohh, the drama unfolds. Now some other guy has stolen the first guy's issue as (I assume) he thinks he's incapable of doing it.

    Wonder how he'll react now... 😅
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce you got me xD
  • 1
    I’m unfamiliar with Hacktoberfest - which repos are involved? A few ones submitted intentionally or do you just pick random repos you find?

    cauese If it’s random mayve they just wanna call you and ask ”you you’re the first one to care about my repo 🤩 - wanna become a collaborator?”
  • 0
    @jiraTicket I'm running the repo in this case, and it's the guy working on the issue who wants the call!

    It used to be any pull request on any repo, but these days the repo has to "opt in" to hacktoberfest as there were so many spam PRs being create before.
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce Oh, pardon my sloppy reading.

    Well, in that case either they are as thick as they seem or maybe they have "outside the box" ideas like "The ticket says to implement express-validation but have you thought about this other validation lib which I find is much better! Oh and I noticed that thing you do on line 32 is gonna be deprecated in the future release - want me to change that too?"

    I bet some people are overly "helpful" like that and might need to be told there's no interest in such improvements unless they can write down their concerns in the issue or the PR.
  • 1
    @jiraTicket While I'm sure that's true for some, this guy was just struggling to compile the project 😬
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