After a few years in IT you don't find job. Job find you!

  • 0
    Is tru!
  • 0
    By how many people seems to struggle here, I guess it kinda depends on the country. But here in France it's also true.
  • 2
    @Lyniven The struggle is usually for the first job, as soon as you have a job and some experience everyone becomes really interested.

    Recruiter thought process goes something like "Ooh company X seems to think that person is worth employing, we should try to poach him/her since its less risky than taking a chance with someone who is inexperienced or worse, unemployed"
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    Not if you're a ghost. I technically have a LinkedIn but I refuse everyone.
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    > post your resume on 2-3 basic job offer website

    > get a shitload of phone call

    > pick one

    > ???

    > profit
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