
Why does Window's Taskbar have so many bugs?

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    Name 4
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    The third word says it.
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    @dontbeevil @nitwhiz I'd provide screenshots but:

    - sometimes the calendar and notifications dissapear for no reason

    - I like having the taskbar hidden, but it sometimes un-hides itself. I go to the settings and it's still on "hide automatically"

    - I use my computer as a tablet but I can't lock the rotation (maybe not totally taskbar related but the lock rotation button is in the taskbar)

    - these troubles dissapear when I open the Task Manager, but appear again shortly after I leave the Task Manager tab. They're resetted when I reset the Windows Explorer task though
  • 5
    Why ? "Windows" </troll>
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    @stop I was about to say “windows”
  • 0
    because it's windows
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    @dontbeevil you're on devrant, you're gonna get devs
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