
Sleep rant time!

As per usual, I got home late and tired, but wanted to keep on with learning to use Electron for a personal project. I setup everything, created the project and began to tinker with it.

One issue, the script I made was not loading, I spent like 30 minutes wondering why, reading docs (it was 12:40AM). When I was about to give in, I opened the index.html file and guess what? I IMPORTED THE SCRIPT AS A FUCKING STYLESHEET.

I laughed like 2 minutes, then shut the lid of my laptop and went to sleep and thought "Oh, so silly"

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    I feel your pain. I once spent way too long trying to figure out why my script wasn't leading only to discover I had written type="text/js" in the script tag.

    This is why auto complete and code generation are so important. Saves so much time in these cases where it fails with no error whatsoever.
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    I feel you bro. Once i spent about 30 minutes trying to figure it out why my js script wasnt working. Until i notice i didnt declared it on my html file.
    Never told this to anyone. So keep it secret please. Its embarrasing.
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