When you spent the whole day programming in Swift and your mom says that she fucked up her windows 7 machine and you gotta make a clean install (I hate fixing stupid mistakes made by non tech users)

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    How did this happen and why not just linux instead of mac (deepinOS or something)

    .. Yea I read tags :P
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    @liammartens Imagine my mom using Linux she would fuck up the whole universe with a single command
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    @liammartens And if she gets a Mac she's gonna ask Apple store for repair not me
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    @liammartens and why those stupid tags on devrant are backwards? Daaamn...
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    @peterzig I dont believe your mom knows how to terminal sooo you're safe there aren't you ? 😂
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    @liammartens sometimes she looks at what I do in terminal (mostly pushing/pulling from git) we may be safe but if she type sudo rm -rf /* we will be doomed 😕😕😂😂
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    Apple and Dumb next to each other in tags...interesting...
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    Hey man nice of you to do that for your mom I've done it myself many times, sometime I still have to launch team viewer on my father laptop to see where he fucked up xD
    Where are you in Poland? I'm in Wrocław but I'm not Polish, also where did you order your rpi zero :O?
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    @Defi4NT so many questions, I may answer in some kind of sorted list

    1) I live in Gliwice where I study computer science (second year) currently looking for an internship

    2) I ordered my rpi zero on pihut, ships from UK and now they have pizero with WiFi for £9.6 and standard for £4 plus £4 for shipping

    PS. if you are interested in my current iOS projects, you can check my github
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    @Defi4NT My friend study robotics in Wroclaw and I think Politechnika Wrocławska is much better than mine in Gliwice, but I don't think studying gives much programming knowledge, I rather learn by myself or with my friend who is Javascript developer
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    @Defi4NT I've got few questions:

    1) If you are not from Poland why do you live here? I plan to move to UK as soon as possible (better job offers for ios devs)

    2) If it isn't a secret, how many years have you been programming?
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    Install Windows 10, less things to go wrong.
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    @peterzig what order for the tags were you expecting?
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    @peterzig thanks for the answers man, good to know

    1) I decided to come here to work for a big Corp as a way into IT, I'm not working as a dev tho I work in a command center to monitor the infrastructure for a client but with almost no power so basically I do a shit ton of ticket and I call people to do the actions, sometimes I can do some of them but it's small stuff, I'm not complaining because it's a start and it's a opportunity I would never had in my home country

    2) I'm 25

    3) for now I consider myself a script kiddy because it's a great hobby but I'm far from being good enough to work in this field yet, but I progress everyday
    My main tool is python3 which I'm in a love/hate relationship with since over like 7 months give or take
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    She made you and she is a non tech user so does it imply that you are a stupid mistake
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    Maaaaan!! Just spent last 2 days installing Windows 7 on a new Free dos laptop, damn I never thought that installing Windows 7 was so hard!! Tried everything on internet, not working > last option, install windows 10 and downgrade (win 10 is shit)
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    Just remember that you made some stupid mistakes at the beginning of your learning, and someone had to clean your mess
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