
Nginx 502 Errors and my slow loss of sanity of go hand in hand

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    May the engine gods guide you to the right gateway of response-heaven 🌈
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    @IntrusionCM tcpdump does the same and doesn't require a gui
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    @stop I hope you are joking...

    I really hope that that was sarcasm.

    That you feed Wireshark with an PCAP file e.g. taken by tcpdump or use tshark should be obvious...

    Running xserver / wayland on a server is the kind of thing I would state as a reason for firing someone.
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    @IntrusionCM did you ever installed an oracle sql server without rpms or debs?
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    @stop no since I've luckily never had contact with oracle sql
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    @IntrusionCM you cant install any of the tools or the sql server without an xserver
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    @stop Silent mode.

    And most hard requirements can be emulated without any X server by properly faking the environment.
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