For the first time in my life I removed a wrong commit with git rebase and I did not made a mess.

More then 10 years of using git and keep learning.

  • 3
    As long as you're the only one pushing to that branch (or, if someone else does too, they should pull first), it should be fine. It can create a mess if you or someone else force pushes to a shared branch.
  • 5
    @kamen Force pushing to any branch without contacting everyone who's pushing to it is obviously stupid. It's like saying "shovels aren't a health risk until you hit someone with the edge".
  • 0
    Depends on the workflow you've agreed on. If everyone has their own feature branch, it's fine. As an extra precaution you can use --force-with-lease instead of --force.
  • 0
    @kamen We are looking for other develpers since 2017.
    If you are interested you welcome.
    P.S. most projects are in PHP and were built from the scratch.
  • 1
    @kamen If everyone has their own feature branch then "people pushing to the branch" is you, and you've already contacted them. My statement stands, force-pushing before contacting everyone who's pushing to the branch is stupid.
  • 0
    All hail the holy one!
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