
had to reject a junior candidate today. Couldn't really write an if else statement.

Always feels bad, I remember being mortified when I was at that level.

  • 3
    I gave him feedback to try and work on a few open source projects, once he gets more confident read clean code and head first design patterns. Maybe apply to a graduate scheme or slightly larger company that can make a more long-term investment.

    I think that's good advice, I hope not too harsh.
  • 9
    If anything, it should have been harsher. Junior is short for "junior dev", and failing to write an if/else means he isn't a dev at all and thus shouldn't apply to dev positions.

    That's why companies do super-easy coding tests like Fizzbuzz - to filter out such frauds.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop yeah, it was fizzbuzz.
  • 4
    Couldn't write an if else?! Come on, i wouldn't feel bad, I'd be pissed he was wasting my time by applying. I expect a junior level dev to be at the level where they can do a lot more than that.

    A junior dev might have zero commercial experience, but they sure as hell shouldn't have zero coding knowledge.
  • 6
    @AlmondSauce indeed, I thought he was at intern level where you have little expectations and it's a bit more leaning on charity.

    I guess I'm not harsh enough 😅
  • 5
    As an interviewee I never realised the other side's point of view. Pressure to not fuck up and hire someone bad, represent the company, and not make the candidate feel like crap...
  • 0
    I have coworkers that can't write conditional logic. The entry bar is very very low.
  • 2
    @Benutzername do they make good coffee?
  • 0
    @Crost Great coffee.
  • 0
    Have heard about it before never looked at what FizzBuzz really is.

    This is correct right? Don't need else statement but you kinda need to know modulo or do some accounting.
  • 1
    @hjk101 You don't need it, but the more normal way tends to be to write that as one big, chained if / else block.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce At most I would go for 4 if/if-else/else statements (for four different outputs) is that what you mean?

    Here are the implementations I could think of
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