
To call it bugfix,
or to call it hotfix,
that is the question.

  • 6
    Are you fixing a bug that isn't causing production downtime and there's a way around it?

    Or, is production unusable and this bug fix is absolutely required?

    That's basically the difference.
  • 1
    Hotfix = bandaging that thing you merged when code reviewing and wasn't so sure what the f it does and now it's causing hell in production

    Bugfix = that thing that you merged that wasn't breaks things but nobody noticed until someone complained about it
  • 2
    Bugfix is the fix you do to fix the bug. Hotfix is the release you do if the bugfix is needed quickly.
  • 2
    Bugfix gets merged only to staging/dev branch.
    Hotfix gets merged to master/main and staging/dev

    This infographic will help you understand: https://danielkummer.github.io/git-...
  • 1
    Manager: "Let's call it low prio. To the bottom of the list!"
  • 0
    Well bugfix is kind of pest control solution over your code and hotfix is a kind of firefighting solution over your customer's mind
  • 0
    hotfix goes straight to prod, it doesn't go through develop first
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