
Worked for a bozo I met on freelancer platform, we communicated and the dude gave me some tasks on mobile to theme the application and add some specifics I wasn't awarded project and I thought I was playing nice in order to win project and show ability whatfffff!!!!!, I didn't see it coming. To cut story shot I finished the job sent the apk and sent the code and the guy never responded again, what am I please ? a bozo too or a dunce and a Dunder head. I can't explain what I just did.

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    So, life lesson for you. It's called "fuck you, pay me". Don't do work without some kind of agreement.
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    sure I agree, that's where I missed it agreement first
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    @solex also, if you do any freelancing, watch the video
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    @atheist thanks man for the video will be done watching it in a while, so far I love it and I saw how a asshole I was.
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    No worries dude, it's a hard lesson and I've seen a lot of people walk into that trap.
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    Once a guy messaged me on fiverr. He wanted me to make an app for him. It's an ecommerce app for handcrafts he/someone else makes.

    I asked if he has any designs for the app, and he replied with a few screenshots of login, signup and home pages. And, he told me to follow the layout and coloring as in these designs. Since I don't have much ratings of fiverr, he wanted to me to sent a demo apk (desings only). I said Ok, and sent him an apk containing a login screen and a signup screen.
    The next reply from him was: "Oh I already have these screens, I want you to create new screens for me". The dude was sending screenshots as designs from apk someone else created for him, and want me to create more screens for his app.
    I told him, I will work only if you buy a gig from my listings. He was not ready for that. I stopped responding to his messages after that. And, also reported him to fiverr
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    You got lucky you didnt waste much of your time because I finished mine and sent both apk and code how foolish I was then. Lesson learnt that's the important thing
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    People will screw you over if given the chance, and some will actively try to make it happen. It’s sad, but that’s how it is.

    Be nice and professional, but set your expectations low — like con artist low — and keep something that will force them to pay you / play by the rules. People will rarely respect you, but they will always respect deterrents.

    Speak softly, carry a big stick.
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    @Root this. 100%.Just in life in general.
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    Half in advance, half for a variant that includes a popup to inform the user that they're using a developmemt sample that hasn't been paid for, only send the clean build and source once you're paid in full.
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