Today after a second interview I was asked to complete a code challenge. They didn't say when they would want it completed by, only just as soon as I was able I guess. Anyways, they said ideally they'd like it to only take me 4-5 hours to complete. What should I use to track time? I was thinking just giving them some WakaTime data or maybe screen record the challenge while I do it. What would you do?

  • 4
    Write some good code and don't worry about time perhaps?
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    WTF, 4-5 hours for just one company?! I'd point them to some OSS project and discuss that because I wouldn't have to do that work for each company from fresh.
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    @Fast-Nop it's just simple SPA that makes a get request and renders the data. Should take me half the time they gave me. I would have loved to show and talk about some apps I've made over the last year at my current job that are a lot more impressive. My selling point is how clean and quick I'll get this thing done.
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    @alexbrooklyn I'm not worried on time. I'm just trying to find an adequate solution to fit the criteria.
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    @wackOverflow Yeah but hours just for one company? That's not economic.
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    @Fast-Nop My spare time is frivolous considering I spent 3 hours playing Mario Kart on a gamecube last night. It's not a big deal to me especially if it could end with a job offer and significant pay bump.
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    @wackOverflow sure, you can take all the time you need and find reasonable.

    Although if they didn't explicitly ask you to provide a "proof" of time spent on the task, I wouldn't bother with it. Just tell them roughly how long you needed
  • 0
    It might also just be an indicator to not invest too much. Not sure how long such a task usually would take, but adding some unneeded bells and whistles can add some time too.
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