
I have this login page on my app. A user (a number of them actually) told me that they can't log in because the app tells them to "login in later". 😨

Is my button for deciding to login later so poorly designed that it looks like a message?

And the only way you can log in later is by pressing the frikin button, how does a person, with a smart phone tell me for the second time that its telling them to log in later

  • 2
    @Artemix sounds correct. First thing I thought is that the wording might be wrong... Putting it below the the google/fb buttons might also work magic
  • 3
    Alternatively depending on how it looks, you might have an underline below it to make it look like a standard link. Which might suggest to users it is an action not just a message.
  • 1
    Yeah, for some people it might not look like a button since there's no border... Maybe put it below the two button and give it a color instead of a text-only Buttom
  • 12
    Change the string to "Continue as guest"
  • 5
    If it's a button make it look a button. If it's an unimportant button make it look less important than the rest and put it somewhere less prominent but still very usable.
    As others mentioned it does not look like an action also it does not say what it does "continue without account" or my favourite "skip login" cover it better.
  • 0
    Put that login later at bottom because it's the last option available to user if they wont use fb or g+ atm.
  • 0
    Ya, I'd say put it as a button alongside the other two buttons, maybe with a gray background to show that it's a part of the same decision group, but less important.
  • 1
    Looks more like a uxfail more than anything..
  • 2
    Yeah I see how it can be misleading. I highly suggest you redesign it to make the login later look like a button choice like the rest.
  • 1
    Put it full width, grey bg with smaller text saying "Or login later"
  • 1
    @Dacexi and under the other ones.
  • 2
    Grey background, and change the text 'Or continue as guest'
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