
As a freelancer, how much should I charge per hour for full stack db and web app?

  • 2
    There is no fixed price like that. But you can calculate your hourly price based on few factors like:

    - How quickly can you think & code.
    - Where you live
    - How many people in the world could do the job you are asked to do.
    - Is this the kind of project you'd LOVE to do..
    And many more factors.
  • 2
    Depends your country :p
  • 0
    @mk3d this is true, In California I charge 100/hr
  • 1
    @Treighton California is a country?
  • 1
    @mk3d well saying Us is WAY too vague...Avg salaries vary greatly from State to state (really from City to City) for instance San Francisco vs Fresno (both in California, both have higher avg salary for development than say Boise, but SF is drastically​ higher than Fresno...Point being when your "State" is large enough(economy wise and physically) it may as well be it's own damn country
  • 1
    @Treighton make sense.
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