
Apparently the grades machine at my univ is not at all bug proof

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    Grades machine? What is this nonsense?
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    @jlave215 A machine to print your grades sheet, it works 24/7 whereas the secretaries work around 4 hours a day
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    Do people need grades 24 hours a day? 🤔
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    @jlave215 when it's an employment fair and you're stuck without these it's surprisingly useful
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    Eyyy a technion student spotted.

    Anyway, few quesitons about this uni (cause i can't decide where or which exact computer science subject to learn like software engineering or just computer science [מדעי מחשב או הנדסת תוכנה])

    First of all what is it like to learn there? Is it worth it in your opinion?

    And which subject are you learning?
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    @Revenger soft eng and cs doesn't matter when you apply to jobs, where soft eng is a restricted 4 years of studying cs with specific courses (programming paradigms, storage systems, parallel programming, yearly project and etc) which are only choice if studying cs. I'd go for a 4 year cs if you're a curious guy or 3 years cs if you want to continue to a master since it's more economical.
    I'll try to treat the common questioned aspects:
    It's tough, on the first year like in many universities calculus is satan and algebra is its apprentice. However even the introductory course in c is not peanuts and you need to take it seriously.
    On the other hand, throughout the years you get the ability to study on your own and get some time management skills.
    The degree is somewhat theoretical but you get the ability to learn the practices (with a few exceptionally practical courses such as oop, intro to system programming and some others).
    I did a software eng bsc and finishing now a master in cs.
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