
So a new project was assigned to me with Laravel. I don't know abcd of this But have to do within strict deadlines :(
Very much hectic weeks for me... waking up long nights,,,, working on weekends..
Hope so will soon grab on it and will complete task in less time.

Now am thinking does being developer is ok for long term. :( Sometime it really become very very hectic.. And How can I take less stress about the pending tasks.. I mean if something got stuck .. my mind will stay there until I finished/solved that off :(

Any advicess from those are in long run being dev

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    Are you completely new to Laravel?
    It's worth it - just remember, 60% of what Laravel can do you probably won't need for most projects. So don't let unnecessary parts confuse you. Stick to controllers, eloquent db, views and routes, and just build your own service classes for everything else.
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    @ojt-rant Yeah I am learning.... and enjoying.. But Have to do the other task as well with strict deadlines .. this becom hectic
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