
I guess it's a sort of a mix of depression and burnout right now. I want to do nothing and I am constantly procrastinating. Also, very frequent sleepiness.

PS: was going to post in rants, but it's sort of random stuff rather than a rant.

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    In the same boat... Set myself a couple of goals before asking a much needed vacation. Every minute moving forward is so much effort now, I wish we all over this shit soon.
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    Just take a vacation. Even if it is required for a Month

    Sometimes, all we need is a few hours of Good Sleep and a few days of Vacation to bring it all back together
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    You too now?

    Told Floyd that naps work. I took a nap, I feel better. He took a nap and he felt better.

    Now it's your turn my dude.

    Cant worry about things when you're asleep.
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    @Wisecrack I take a nap - I become even more sleepy
    And I'm not worried about anything
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    @iiii when I say worry I mean anything negative running in the head, including but not limited to worry.
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