Windows 7 or Windows 8.1? Which one do I fresh install on my laptop?

Don't suggest Linux cuz I already have an Ubuntu Dual boot.
Don't suggest Windows 10 cuz I'll find you and murder you.
You may suggest Windows 8 so that I may judge you.

  • 2
    How about Windows 9?

    (jk, don't do it)
  • 0
    Assuming windows 7 is still supported with updates I prefer it myself.
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    @jirehstudios the first thing I do when I install windows is turn of automatic updates.
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    Slackware of course. 😀
    On the Ubuntu partition, Windows.
    7 is a lot more usable, 8.1 a little faster, specially on boot.
  • 2
    Think what you want but Win10 is actually really good.
  • 2
    Put it to trash, buy a Mac.
  • 7
    Go with Windows 10. Block telemetry IPs if that's your problem with this version.

    Btw, 7/8.x have pretty much the same telemetry "issues".
  • 0
    ^^^^ this ^^^^
  • 2
    Go with 10 anniversary and Linux subsystem.
  • 1
    Windows 8.1 with classic shell. I'm currently using it on my desktop and its been really good so far.

    Gives you the advantages of 8.1 while still being almost the same as 7.
  • 2
    Windows 7 Will soon be unsupported
    Windows 8 is crap
    Windows 8.1 is less crap
    Windows 10 is Good

    Mac is crap(ple)

    BSD <3
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    Seriously, what @nickpapoutsis and @nocgod said. Stop whining about Windows 10. If you need Windows, use it, it's faster and better in every way.
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    Win10 is spyware, don't use it.
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    @Ashkin it's a month old, let this rant die pls.
  • 0
    Dont keep it alive then
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