
I make games, I don't do frontend fucking webdev; this isn't my fucking job and I don't fucking understand it. Fuck you, client with money. (Yes that is a CSS for beginners page, no I don't care. Screw you.)

  • 17
    My manager would say "you know code right? so surely you can do this too"
  • 3
    @jonjo im freelancing atm, but yeah basically
  • 2
    I know that feel, man. Hang in there. You got this!
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    @Player2 If you need help with web dev stuff, be it front-end or back-end, don't hesitate to drop by in #web on the Freenode IRC network.
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    @acerspyro I will do. Do you mind if I pick your brains for a sec? CSS .less files, how do I edit them? (The bootstrap template I'm using refers to that in its styles, and idek)
  • 1
    @Player2 I am actually learning bootstrap right now, but from what I understand, you pick a template, and then edit the .less file to change values like color and stuff. People in the channel definitely know more than I do on that though, as I mostly do everything by hand in SCSS :P
  • 2
    @Player2 they should be in your css folder. Just remember, you can't edit your actual css files if you are using sass or less - when your scss or less file compiles it will overwrite your css file.
  • 4
    @xp-bar it references /working directory/css/less/file.less

    That directory doesn't exist, let alone that file. There is no /css/less, just /css.

    Sorry to be asking you direct
  • 2
    @Player2 no worries! Make sure you installed it the correct way. Before I knew how to use sass, I had the same problem with foundation 6 - turns out their zip file download doesn't include sass. I assume it's the same for bootstrap - may try installing via npm?
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    @xp-bar will do. Ty
  • 1
    @Player2 np, let us know how it goes
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    @xp-bar hey, you hit ten! Get yourself an avatar!
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    @Player2 lol will do! Thanks! :D
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    Yay avatar!
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    @Player2 @acerspyro lol twin! What are you doing here?
  • 1
    Make frontend development your *bitch* by writing a game in HTML5/CSS and JS.
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    @Player2 @acerspyro and drop in at #web-social for a friendly chat
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