Joined a startup, pretty happy with the company over-all so far truthfully. Secured a large project yesterday with higher billables so job security wise things are good. However... The project I've been working on is a mix of a Spring boot webapp and a game. Two separate applications that interact with each other.

Two teams. A home team, and an away team, plus.... 2 "AI's" to play against... Well.... whoever designed this "AI" designed it so they can only ever play as the away team. Why... every function, every method, every bit of logic is coded around what "Half" of the inning it is.... Now I had the bright idea of picking up the hardest task on the ticket list, of making these AI's be able to play as the home team.

WHAT A TASK, and to make things worse. Instead of using some kind of proper inheritance with actual structure, we have TWO COPY AND PASTED AIs where the other has more hard-coded team sided logic that needs to ALSO be adapted.

17 points my ass.

I do love my job though.

  • 1
    Holy shit, 17 point story?

    Anything above 5 should be broken down into smaller subtasks.

    Scope creep is a real problem on larger pointed stories.
  • 1
    @sariel If you're using a 1-2-3 kind of scale I suppose yeah, but we use prime numbers which seems odd to me, but I'm not the boss.

    I guess the equivalent would be a 6, which is still a lot. I make sub tasks as they come up, the thing is nobody really knows exactly what is required in making these changes. So I've been sort of paving the way, as it were.
  • 0
    I feel like I walked into 2014 and was hearing about having conversations when I read this
    The story part
    Agile for me was a daily meeting to talk about what conflicts with what and discuss changes upcoming to code and designing prototypes so we could work independently on the same task from different sides
  • 0
    We never actually used the terminology like product owner and so on
    We defined what we did as an agile scrum though
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