Sometimes deciding name for them variables is the toughest part of coding :(

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    I always describe what I am doing in variables and function names. What is it you are trying to do?
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    It's like naming children.
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    private float _johnAdams?
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    My constant class has nearly 300 constants and every time I have to name a constant I fucking thing x7 to make sure it doesn't get lost among those 700s... :/
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    Wouldn't it be protected ?
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    @vpanuragpandey why do you have so many constants?
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    In time you will see, that naming is the hardest part of all
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    We are basically automating a setup procedure. We've assigned constants as value to be assigned and so on....hope you get that :)
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    @vpanuragpandey yea I get that but surely every constant has a different purpose thus giving it a unique description.
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    Indeed thanks to OOP that I just have one file to fill with all constant and few references here and there :P
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    Why are all the constants grouped in one place?
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    It improves the readability , since you reference these constants throughout the application and in case you wish to modify some you need to look in one file rather than browsing through 50-60 classes and so on .
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    Doesn't it break code modularity and leak implementation details accross your application though?
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    Code is totally modular since there is no coupling among class. I don't see why you would think that ?
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